John A. Kirkgasser, DBA

Improving the flow of value through peoples lives

  • Learn about God and the Holy Kingdom
  • Find His Purpose and Path for your life
  • Hear His Voice
  • Follow His Lead
  • Receive Blessings
  • Overcome Obstacles
  • See Miraculous Results
  • Be a Beacon for Others

I recently retired after over 36 years in the aerospace business. Over the years, I had the pleasure of working with a lot of exciting high technology products and services.  I also developed a strong proficiency in helping people improve the flow of  physical processes so customers got what they needed more quickly and with fewer roadblocks.  My focus has now shifted to improving the flow of spiritual processes so individuals can receive the full benefit of HIS power in their lives, and others will see the Glory of the Kingdom of Heaven at work on this earth.

I have been working to improve processes for most of my life. The basic approach is to understand who the customer is, what they need, and then figure out the best way to get it to them. Significant improvements can usually be made by better understanding who the customer is and what they really need. Once you have a good understanding, the focus shifts to identifying the current process being used and identifying and removing  roadblocks to flow.  The same principles apply to our spiritual lives. We need to understand God and what he is expects. Then look at how we are providing it, identify roadblocks,  and then remove them. It is exactly the same…only totally different.  I will give you the punchline: This life is complicated; How you choose to live it determines how you will spend eternity; The sooner you find Him and build a personal relationship, the sooner you can find the path He set for you, and receive His help to overcome the challenges in front of us.

This website is intended to share: What I have learned about God and the processes at work in His Kingdom;  How to optimize the flow of value through you to him, and how focusing on him actually enables you to be more effective for yourself and others.  I share knowledge, suggested approaches, and testimonies from folks that have used them.  I am also sharing endeavors he inspired in me.

If you choose to pursue a personal relationship with the Living God, you will discover more about yourself than you could have ever imagined.  I know I certainly have.