Word of Wisdom


Below is some info on how to get a “Word’s of Wisdom” to help guide your path forward.       

“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit….  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit…” (1 Corinthians 12:4-8)

 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all [men] liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (James 1:5)

What is a Word of Wisdom?

  • A “Word of Wisdom” is a key piece of information given to a believer to help them gain insight and understanding (wisdom) to move forward in a specific situation. It is part of a personal conversation with the Lord. 
    • What does this scripture mean?
    • What is His will in this situation?
    • What is my best choice between two choices in front of me?
    • What wisdom do you have to guide my path forward?
  • When a word is received it helps build faith by knowing they are on the right path, the path the Lord wants them to be on.
    • “The just live by faith.” Romans 1:17

How do I get a Word of Wisdom?

It is a simple process that becomes easier with practice:

1 – Quiet your physical mind.  Sit comfortably in a quiet peaceful place. Remove distractions. Close you eyes. Become quiet. Quiet your rational  mind.  Shut down all the thoughts in your busy mind.  Make your mind a blank slate.

2 – Picture Jesus beside you on your right. Choose your favorite and most meaningful image of him: Glorified and radiating on a cloud?, Sitting on the Thrown? Crucified on the cross?  Preaching His sermon on the mount? My personal favorite is him sitting on Jacob’s well talking to the Samaritan woman about Him being the source of living water. I like to go up and sit next to him.

3 – Reach with your right hand and take Jesus’s hand…Let him hold your hand. Symbolically you are yielding your strength…and beginning to relying on His.   

4 – Ask him your question: Shape the question around your role in His kingdom; How will His answer help you be more useful to Him and His kingdom?

Will you be able to focus more on the Lord? Will you be able to do more for others?, Be more helpful?, Provide testimony for the kingdom? 

A General Faith Example: “Jesus, you are my Lord and savior, You are my Shepherd,  I will follow you where ever you lead me.  Please give me a word of wisdom to highlight the path you have set for me. I wish to be led by your Holy Spirit, the spirit of Truth, The Spirit who reveals all mysteries in You. I will focus my faith on the path you reveal, the best path for You and Your kingdom, and put all my trust in You to enable my journey. I ask for your wisdom in Jesus Name, I look to you and prepare myself to receive your word. “

A Health Example: “Jesus, you are my Lord and savior, You are my Shepherd,  I will follow you where ever you lead me.  Please give me a word of wisdom to highlight the path you have set for me regarding my injury. The doctors tell my I have options but may never fully recover. I wish to be led by your Holy Spirit, the spirit of Truth, rather than any person in this world. I know you sent me here with a purpose and have a plan for me, I know that when I get my ego out of the way and let you lead me, your plan can gain traction, and the best me will be revealed. Lord I take this opportunity to submit myself to you. I am merely a vessel for your kingdom; Use me as you see fit. I will listen for your words and follow where they lead. I will focus my faith on the path you reveal, the best path for You and Your kingdom, and put all my trust in You to enable my journey. I ask for your wisdom in this situation in Jesus Name, I look to you and prepare myself to receive your word.”

4 – Focus on Jesus image, keep your conscious/rational mind silent, and wait patiently for His answer. If you struggle to silent the random voices in your mind, take authority and command them: “Be silent !!! in Jesus name!”.  The word can come in one of several forms including

    • A clear and distinct thought
    • An audible voice
    • A pictorial image (like words on a billboard, or a distinct image)
    • A live vision where you are taken on a journey.

You will recognize the message when it comes, it will be clear and distinct, and your emotion will register it as being something special and significant.

5 – Check the word you get against scripture to ensure it is authentic. When you are focused on the image of Jesus, the devil will stay away. The devil will try to prevent you from receiving a word directly from the lord, his typical strategy is distraction, keeping you form becoming quiet enough to hear the incoming message. Focus on getting quiet and command the devil to be silent in Jesus name if needed. The devil will not quote scripture to you so if you get a piece of scripture, and it resonates in your heart,  you know you got your word of wisdom from the lord. 

6 – Look up the scripture, read it in context. See how it fits to your situation. Meditate on the meaning if it is not clear – He will provide understanding if you ask.

7 – Thank Him for providing the word, and renew your commitment to trust in Him and follow His lead.

How do I use it once I Get it? 

  • Build faith around the word you have received
  • Faith is acting on a belief with no physical evidence.
  • You have “a word” form God but, but it is not supported by the physical reality you see around you
  • You need to take the first steps to begin making His word your new reality
  • Fully accept and embrace the word form God and align yourself to it
    • Prayer: Lord thank you for giving me a word to guide my path. I know You Love me and you are with me always. You are my shepherd and I shall not want; I know your voice and I have heard it. I know this is your path for me; I will follow as you lead.  I put my complete faith in you.
  • Now begin to out it into context in your reality and in the kingdom
  • Conceive of the new future
    • Imagine this new reality in your mind…what does your future look like
    • What are you physically doing, what activities are you doing
    • How does that activity serve the Lord and His kingdom?
      • How will His love flow through you to others?
      • How will you be of service to others? 
      • How will you become a bright light in a dark world?
      • How will you become a beacon for the kingdom? 
  • Now start proclaiming that future in words out loud. 
    • Life and death are in the power of the tongue – you need to speak things out loud
      • Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21)
    • God created the earth by speaking – you can begin to create your future by speaking 
      • “Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light” (Genesis 1:3)
  • Dismiss information that disagrees with the word you have received. Say thank you for that input, but I am following the word of the the Lord.
  • Act as if the promised future is coming into place now – Act on the future reality  
  • The Lord closes the Gap between our current reality and the reality we now have faith in, by His amazing Grace.
  • You have to get your ego and earthly distractions out of the way for His grace to flow into your reality 
    • “Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:13)
    • ‘But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.’ (James 4:6-8)
  • When we submit our agenda and put our Faith in the Lord, He will show His strength
    • “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’” (2 Corinthians 12:9).


Some Examples

  • Words of Wisdom have been very helpful to several of my friends as we navigated issues they were struggling with.


  • “The Surgeon” and” I have your right hand” – A friend was faced with several options for dealing with a severe injury disabling his arm.  He had options including complete amputation, nerve reconstruction, muscle transplantation, or hoping for a miracle. We asked God for a word of wisdom to help focus our faith. While he was in the CT scanner the Lord placed the word “The Surgeon” prominently in his thought. At that point he knew in his knower that he was to pursue the surgeon who recommended a path towards nerve reconstruction first, and if insufficient raw material was available, he would immediately transition into the first of two muscle transplants. As he approached the surgery, He was facing anxiety as to the recovery and rehabilitation and its burden on him and his family, so we asked for a second word of wisdom to help focus our faith. During the prayer, the lord provided him “I have your right hand”.  A simple google search took us to Isaiah 41:13 ; “For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” At that point his anxiety about the procedure was released and he has maintained a remarkable positive attitude through two muscle transplant procedures and rehab. Thank you Jesus!


  • “Continue” – A friend was exploring a variety of spiritual phenomenon based on videos and books from various authors, and I was working with Him to understand practical application of the bible principles with some of the spiritual insights I have gained. He was quickly embracing the biblical principles and I wanted him to experience a direct inflow from the Lord to anchor his belief. We asked for a word of wisdom to help focus his faith. As we completed the brief prayer, The lord planted the word “Continue” prominently in his thought. A simple google search for “Continue Scripture”  brought up 2 Timothy 3:14- “…continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it”. This told him we are on a good learning track and He has continued to develop his personal relationship with the Lord.  


  • “Vision: Not One of the followers” – A friend was facing a cancer diagnosis and was not a believer. She was in a rehab center a thousand miles away, totally isolated from outside contact due to covid, and the only connection we had was via phone. As we introduced the concepts of salvation, redemption, and healing, her diagnosis was grave. In an attempt to accelerate her revelation and connection with the Lord we asked for a word of wisdom. The Lord took her to a vision of Him walking down the street with the multitudes following, She was on the side of the road watching them go by. When asked why she was not following Him, she said she didn’t belong. This revelation about her state of belief helped focus our conversations. We got her a large print bible and worked through key scriptures about God loving each of us and sending His son, Jesus death and resurrection, Forgiveness of our sins through His blood, Healing by his stripes. Just prior to her passing, the Lord made it very clear to me she was on the right path to come home.  Thank you Lord for helping us help her.


  • “The healer” – A friend was facing a complex cancer diagnosis where it has spread out to many internal organs. Because of the late detection and extent of spread, the oncologist immediately began chemo. Her options at that point included, continued chemo, extensive surgery, and faith in a miracle. We prayed for a word of wisdom to focus our faith.  While in the CT scanner, the Lord planted the words “The Healer” in her thoughts.  She immediately knew in her knower that she was to complete the course of chemo she was on to shrink the cancer and that the remaining cancer would be fully cured through faith in Jesus as by his stripes we are healed. At this point the chemo is progressing, the cancer is shrinking, and we have faith in a full cure. Praise God!


  • “Believe..Ye shall not perish”  – A friend was facing a prostate cancer diagnosis. Biopsy confirmed it was in the prostate but they needed a scan to see if it had spread. He is well grounded in scripture and is a firm believer. We prayed for a word of wisdom to guide our faith.   While in the CT scanner, the devil planted an itch on his nose that prevented him from getting quiet for most of the procedure. But eventually he got quiet and received his word. “John 3:16…Believe…Ye shall not perish”. He knew in his knower that this meant that this cancer was not going to kill him, and that he just needs to work through it. The next day, the results of the scan confirmed that it was detected early and had not spread.  Thank you Lord! 


  • “Vision: Radiation Blast” – A friend was supporting his wife in her battle with lung cancer which had spread. When they discovered a small tumor in her brain, they were faced with options including waiting to see how it evolved, proceeding with radiation, and pursuing surgery. After quieting his mind and saying A brief prayer asking for wisdom for the path forward, the Lord gave him a vision of a small black dot on a screen being overwhelmed  by a swelling explosion of red color.  From this He knew in his knower that the proper path ahead was to proceed with radiation and that this tumor would be addressed. Praise God!


  • “Resurrection” – A new friend was working through a brain cancer diagnosis, had already had initial surgery and  was facing a follow up procedure when I first met him. After several discussions and powerful prayers, we asked for a word of knowledge for the path forward so that we can  focus our faith. The Lord gave Him a very clear one word message: Resurrection. We had just been talking about how the resurrection of Jesus overcame the power of death, and that the same power lived in Him.  He underwent the procedure to get the last of the brain cancer, and there was none to be found. He recovered from the procedure within hours, to which my other skeptical friend commented that he looks like he has been resurrected. The Lord is so very good!

Additional Resources

Hope this helps you in some way.

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