Resources – Ravi Zacharias


God and His Kingdom – Excellent Preachers and Teachers

Insights from Ravi Zacharias

Who is He

  • He was the most effective Christian apologist of the modern day 
  • He published 25 books and traveled the world defending the intellectual credibility of the Christian faith 
  • His mission was “helping the thinker believe and the believer think”
  • He was instrumental in establishing the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics to train evangelists
  • His messages focus on Christianity as the only coherent and consistent answer to the key questions of origin, meaning, morality and destiny.
  • He uses three tests for
    • Logical consistency
    • Empirical adequacy
    • Experiential relevance 
  • His speeches are engaging, effective, and persuasive. 
    • His personal testimony is miraculous
    • He is brilliant, articulte, and well read – using quotes from famous writers to illustrate his points
    • He never tries to “destroy” an opponent in debate…he tries to illuminate the gaps in their position     

Introduction Video – Powerful !!!

Main Websites

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries – RZIM.ORG   

RZIM Youtube Channel

Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics – TheOCCA.Org

Published works

The Logic of God

Seeing Jesus from the East

Can Man Live Without God?

Jesus Among Other Gods

The Grand Weaver

Videos on favorite topics:

Interview with Eric Metaxas Jan 2019

Why i s Christianity the right answer (2016)

How do you know Christianity is the only right world view? (2012)