Why are You a Christian?  Your “why” makes all the difference.

Why are you a Christian? Your “Why” makes all the difference.

Make sure you have not been sold short on some modern popularized version of Christianity.

Are you pursuing God for your own selfish agenda?
Have you been told to say a sinners prayer just so you can get into heaven someday?

Please dig in and understand what He actually says…so you can get on the right path while there is still time to do it.

“For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” Matthew 7:21

He is not looking for our compliance with some superficial religious ritual, He is looking to transform each of us and empower us to live the life He intended when He created us here.

He created us in His image, operating in love and and connected to Him, the source of love.

That was all corrupted when Adam and Eve rebelled and sinned against God in the garden. They became self centered, self conscious and seporated from God. Instead of being a source of love, they started to need love and seek love.

He wants to restore each of us to the original design, to reconnect us to the source of love, to purge the corrupted selfish self and become born again so that we can operate as a source or conduit of love, the way we were intended.  He wants to help us become like Him, to become love in action.  Loving God with all our heart, and flowing His love to others, perfecting His love as we live our lives. He wants us to walk in the light as He is in the light, to seak first the kingdom of God within us, to overcome evil with good. He wants us to bring Him glory with our lives. To shine as a beacon in this dark world. He wants us to live for His great name.

Get alone wiht Him. Ask Him if your heart is in the right place. Listen for His answer. If He doesnt give you a serious warm fuzzy in your heart, a solid conviction that You know Him and He knows you, then repent and ask Him to lead you onto the right path.

Please do this with a sense of urgency while you still can.
Even if you only do this for selfish reasons, do it now. You won’t want to be knocking on the pearly gates and not have Him know you and let you in, it will be too late.

He will call game over at some point and you will have cast your fate.
Just my two cents. Hope you find it helpful.


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