“Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress” (Psalm 107:28)

Are you struggling with something and need help NOW?

  • Get on your knees and Ask the LORD for help using the prayer on the right >>>>>>
  • Reach out to me HERE and I will help you in any way I can.
  • If you need to talk to someone right now, please reach out to one of the nation wide 24/7 prayer networks HERE 
  • If you are desperate and are thinking about ending your life – call 1-800-273-8255  or use thisLIVE CHAT

Prayer for Immediate Help

God Loves you and wants to help you, Pray this out loud and boldly…

God in heaven, please hear my prayer:

I don’t know you very well, but i am desperate.

I am struggling and don’t see a way out of the mess I am in.

I’ve heard that you love all of your children,  and you promise to help them if they ask.

I reach out my hand out to you right now; I need your help! Please grab my hand and pull me out of my despair.

Deliver me from this pit and I will praise your for the rest of my days.

The Bible says we have a choice between blessings and curses. I am tired of curses and am ready for blessings.  I choose you as my Lord;  I commit to follow your ways; and I look forward to the blessings you promise.

I give my life to you today;  I am yours. I accept you as my Lord.

The bible says you are a rock. I promise to build my life on you as a solid foundation.

Please help me get to know you better; help me to see your hand in my life; help me hear your voice to guide me; help me to be humble and change my ways knowing you are always here with me; and help me see and follow the path you have put in front of me to help me get out of this situation.

Forgive me for my decisions, actions, and attitudes that got me to this place. I receive your forgiveness and accept your help to change my ways. And as I am forgiven, I forgive each person that has contributed to my temporary defeat.

I believe you have heard my prayer, and you have already begun to help me. You have the power to do anything and your truth will set me free.  My victory is at hand because you are with me.

I thank you for your help, and I will gladly share the wonderful works you do in my life so can bring glory to your Holy Name.

I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN

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