Prayer – Healing of Cancer

Speak this boldly and out loud for best effect                                                      

Heavenly father, Thank you for loving me; Thank you for all you have done for me. You are the source of everything good in this world.

Thank you for sending us your word. “Your Word is Truth” (John 17:17) and “the truth will set us free” (John 8:32). I hold your precious words deep in my heart for “they are life to those who find them, and they bring health to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:20).

In the beginning we were created in your perfect image (Genesis 1:26), but we suffer today because sin entered the world through Adam; and suffering continues as we all have sinned (Romans 5:12). Sin separates us from God and His protection, and it opens the door to the devil (Deut 30:19, Matthew 19:26). The devil is always looking for opportunities (1 Peter 5:8), he is a liar (John 5:8) and he comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Jesus, Thank you for coming to our rescue. You came here to “destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8) and to “set us free” (John 8:32). You suffered and died as an innocent man and nailed sin to the cross. Your resurrection defeated the devil and his power over death, you paved the way for our freedom and restoration. What we lost thru Adam we regained through you (1 Cor 15:22). You took our sin to the grave and you bore the consequences on you back. By your blood we are saved, and by your stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:4, 1 Peter 2:24).

Lord, you told us “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21); and we must believe in our heart and confess with our mouth (Romans 10:9) so I will speak my prayers out loud. Lord, hear my confession: I gladly accept you as my Lord and Savior. I believe in your virgin birth, innocent death, and resurrection. I truly repent of my evil ways; I acknowledge my sins and turn from them. I am committed to live a life worthy of the price you paid. I humbly accept your gift of grace to forgive my sins and your tender mercy to save me from death and bring me eternal life. As you forgive me, I forgive those who have sinned against me. When I follow you, my sinful nature is crucified and dies with you on the cross; I am born again and receive a new life through you now and forever (Romans 6:4). You intercede for me and reconcile me with the Father. You present me Holy, Blameless and Beyond reproach in his eyes. Through your redemption, the devil has no hold on me. Your blood has washed away my sinful past and rejoined me with My Father in heaven.

Lord Jesus, you showed us God’s will and the power of the Holy Spirit over illness and disease: you went about “teaching… preaching… and healing every sickness and every disease among the people” (Matthew 9:35), “healing all who were oppressed by the devil”. (Acts 10:19).

Through your ascension and release of the holy spirit you are now in me, guiding me and teaching me. When I accept you and follow your ways, You become part of me and I am a part of you: We are “the body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 27). You commissioned us to continue your work here on earth “As the father sent me, I send you”(John 20:21), “ the works that I do he will do also” (John 14:12); In your name, believers will cast out demons and the sick shall recover (Mark 16:14-19). These works will show others that “the Kingdom of Heaven is near” (Matthew 10:7).

I present myself as a righteous vessel; Arms and Legs to do your work on this earth. I am a member of the body of Christ and the Holy Spirit lives inside me. With His help, I will continue to renew my mind and glorify you through my life. I will walk as you walked, share your gospel, and continue your work destroying all works of the devil. You give me authority and all power over the devil (Luke 10:19) and you are waiting for me to make this enemy your footstool (Hebrews 10:12).

I believe illness is not from God, it is from the devil who is stealing life and prosperity from me. As a believer, I hereby rebuke the spirits of cancer, pain, and infirmity and all their symptoms. I rebuke all evil and unclean spirits who have invaded this body; I command them to leave me NOW! in Jesus name.

I speak healing into this body; From the top of my head, to the soles of my feet; In Jesus name! Just as your blood washed away my sinful nature, your broken body takes away the damage and distress in my body; I command healing and life to flow into Every muscle, Every bone, Every organ, Every tissue, Every fiber, and Every cell. In Jesus Name! I command this mind and body to be restored to perfect function, so I can serve you, bear fruit, and glorify you, in Jesus Name! I believe, and I receive the healing you paid for.
Lord, “You are my shepherd” (Psalm 23), I put my life in your capable hands. You are “the way, the truth, and the light” (John1:4, John 8:12); Shine your light and your life into me; Push away the darkness in my mind and body. Help me see and hear your words to guide my thinking and my steps. You are “my rock, my fortress, my deliverer” (Psalm 18-2); Protect me; give me strength and comfort knowing you are with me. Help me to continue to grow in faith. Help me find more and more ways to show others the power of your love and truth. Help me glorify you through my life as a beacon to others.
I thank you again for all you have done for me, and for never giving up on me. I thank you for the work you are doing in me today, in Jesus holy name. AMEN.