Sinners Prayer – Prayer of Salvation


Say this prayer out loud:

Heavenly Father, Please hear my prayer: 

I believe in you. You the creator and the source of all that is Good in this world.

I believe you love me so much you sent your only begotten son to die for me, so I could live.

I believe Jesus is your son, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born here of a virgin mother.

I believe He was tortured and died on the cross, then was raised from the dead.

I believe He lives with you in heaven and has power over all things in heaven and on earth.

Jesus, I accept you as my lord and savior. 

I am a sinner. I was born into this world with a sinful nature, and I have sinned.

I know sin is wrong. I repent of my sins. I turn from them now and commit to do better.

The consequence of Sin is death. You suffered the consequence of my sin and died for me.

I owe you a debt for the suffering you endured for my sins. You died so that I can live. 

You are willing to forgive me, not because I deserve it, but because you love me

I humbly ask your forgiveness.  I recognize the love you have for me, And I receive it now.

Lord Jesus,  thank you for loving me, thank you for sacrificing yourself for me, and thank you for forgiving me of my sins.

As I receive forgiveness of my debt through your love, I forgive the debt of those who have sinned against me. I fully forgive them and will erase their transgression from my mind.

Lord Jesus, please Help me to learn more about you; Help me to follow your ways and be a better person;  and Help me bring glory to your name through all that I do.

I ask this In Jesus Name, AMEN.