Prayer for Healing Of Diabetes
Heavenly father, Thank you for creating the heavens and the earth and putting me here on it. Thank you for loving me and never giving up on me no matter how far I have strayed. Lord, you told us in Psalms 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue so I will speak this prayer out loud and with conviction.
Lord, you created Adam in your image, put Him in the garden, and gave Him dominion over your earthly creation. He and Eve handed power to the devil when they chose to listen to his lies and put their self-interests ahead of your simple instruction to not eat of the tree. Sin changed them, they became self-conscious, it tarnished your image in them, and separated them from You. We each inherit that tarnished self-conscious image and it has only gotten worse over the generations. Self-consciousness now dominates our emotions and self-serving interests now dominate our behaviors and our entire world suffers as a result.
Jesus, thank you for coming here and creating a path out of this mess. You bore the consequences of sin on your back and allowed your body to be broken for us. You took sin to the grave as an innocent sacrifice so that we can have life through you. Your resurrection overcame the power of death, and you took back the keys to the kingdom. When I truly repent of my sins and choose to follow you as lord of my life, my sins are forgiven, your blood washes my away my sinful past; Your blood redeems me from this fallen world and puts me back in perfect harmony with the Father; What we lost through Adam, has been restored through you. I am now holy and righteous in the Fathers eyes, not by anything I have done, but by my faith in You and Your work here 2000 years ago. I am made righteous through Your precious blood. By your blood and resurrection we are saved; and by your stripes we are healed.
My confession and commitment:
Jesus, You love us so much You chose to come here as a human baby, lived a sinless life and gave that life to restore what was lost through sin. I commit to live a life worthy of the price you paid for it. I acknowledge my sins and turn from them to follow you. I humbly accept and receive your gracious gift of forgiveness and salvation. As you forgive me, I forgive those who have sinned against me. Your blood has washed away my sinful past and rejoined me with My Father in heaven. I AM born again, An adopted child of God. My past is washed away by your blood; I can now focus on moving forward and becoming the best version of my-self. We are at our best when Your love flows through us to others. My self-conscious emotions and self-centered agendas only get in the way of this flow. I invite You and Your Holy Spirit to come and live in me, to help me identify these obstacles, and to help me root them out. Jesus, You are the expressed image of God, Please come and form in me. When I yield me self conscious agendas to you and allow you to form in me, you restore the original image of God we lost through Adam. I hereby “crucify” my old earthly oriented self-centered agendas and I move my focus to You and Your heavenly kingdom: Loving You with all my heart, loving Your children, and finding ways to let Your love flow through me to them in more and more ways
I hereby present myself as a vessel for your use; Arms and Legs to do your work on this earth. With Your help, I will continue to renew my mind, I will see things from your perspective, and glorify you through my life. I will share your story, I will walk as you walked, and I will continue your work on this earth; As the father sent you, you send me. I am a believer, and in your name, I will cast out demons, lay hands on the sick, and through the power of the holy spirit, the sick will recover. You came here as the light of the world, and now it is my job to pick up the torch and become a bright beacon for your kingdom. I have the Holy Spirit guiding me and teaching me; and I have resurrection power living inside and working through me. I thank you for all you have done, and I accept your commission to continue your work here on earth.
I believe Ephesians 6 when You tell us we struggle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities. Illness and addiction is not from God, it is from the devil. It is a consequence of this fallen world. and it is stealing life and prosperity from His precious children.
Jesus defeated the devil 2000 years ago. He has already done the work to liberate me from the power of darkness and gave me authority to continue His work here and now. I believe James 4:7 when it tells us to resist the devil and he will flee. I hereby declare my resistance. As a believer with authority under Luke 10:19, I hereby rebuke the spirits of diabetes and infirmity dwelling in me. I rebuke all evil and unclean spirits who have invaded my body. I rebuke all evil spirits in heavenly places who are supporting them as well; I cancel all your assignments and command you to leave me alone! cease and desist! NOW! in Jesus name, the name above all names, the name before which all must kneel!
As a believer and a child of God, I believe Hebrews 10:10 when it says Jesus’ blood washes away my sins. I believe 2 Corinthians 5:17 when it says children of God are born again, and become a new creation; All things old pass away, behold, all things are new again. I believe 2 Peter 2:22 when it says by His stripes I am healed. His broken body paid the consequence of all sin, I no longer need to suffer the damage and distress in my mind and body. As a member of the body of Christ, the Holy Spirit lives inside me. I believe Romans 8:11 when it says the power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside me and will heal my mortal flesh. I speak healing into this body by the power of the Holy Spirit that lives inside me. All processes return to normal. All cells, tiisues, organs, systems, processes return to normal; God’s original design be restored as new. I believe in your promises and the truth of your scripture. I speak in faith, believing and expecting the restoration and healing you paid such a high price for.
Jesus, You are “the way, the truth, and the light”. Shine your light and your life into me; Push away the darkness in my mind and body. Give me eyes to see all things from your perspective to guide my thinking and my steps. Give me ears to hear Your truth, the truth that You have already defeated this enemy and through You I can overcome this challenge; With God anything is possible. Help me feel Your love in my Heart. I am never alone; You are right here with me: ready, willing, and able to help me. Lord, “You are my shepherd”, I put my life in your capable hands. You are “my rock, my fortress, my deliverer”; Protect me; give my heart strength to persevere and see this through, and comfort knowing you are with me.
Help me to continue to grow in faith and understanding of You. Help me find more and more ways to show others the power of your love and truth. Let my healing be a sign of the kingdom, so I can live a long healthy life and serve you, to bear fruit for your kingdom, and others can see Your glory in action. I thank you again for all you have already done for me, and for never giving up on me.. I ask for your continued help today, in Jesus holy name. AMEN.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me and NEVER giving up on me. Jesus, I thank you for forgiving my sins; you HAVE redeemed me and reconnected me to the Father. You HAVE delivered me back into the Kingdom of Your Love. Thank you for delivering me from darkness and breaking this bondage of disease, this disease NO LONGER has power over me. By your stripes I AM healed. Even though I may not see all the results yet, this disease IS NOT who I am. It is part of my past not my future. I love You Lord with ALL my heart, and I am committed to live a life worthy of the price You paid. I HAVE taken a stand, and I hereby submit myself to You and your Holy Spirit; Your innocent blood HAS washed away the past so that I can focus on the future. I thank you again for loving me and for delivering me, I WILL glorify you with my life. I speak this in Jesus Name.