Prayer – Confession for Healing

Speak this boldly and out loud for best effect                                               

Thank you, Jesus, for the work you did for me 2000 years ago.  You are my lord and savior; You are the author and finisher of my faith.  I present myself before you as a sinner transformed.  I made the choice between life and death, blessings and curses; I turned from sin and follow you. I accept your gracious gift of forgiveness and your many blessings. I picture your mighty hand on me: your blood washing away my sins, restoring me to new again inside and out; your gracious gift of righteousness cleansing me.  As you love me and forgive me, I flow your love to others and release any unforgiveness remaining in my soul.  I stand here fully redeemed and reconnected with the Father by your work. 

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that by your stripes I was healed. You forgave me and you’ve healed me. Forgiveness and healing were provided in the same work. You took my infirmities and you bore my sicknesses on the cross.  You took them away, and by your stripes I was healed; and if I was healed then, then I am healed now. I am healed!!!  Healing is working in me, in my body, right now.

I bless the Lord, oh my soul, and I remember all His benefits; I remember all his benefits. He forgives my sins, and he heals my diseases. He forgives all my sins, and he heals all my diseases. Health is working in me.

My eyes are the window to my soul.  I put my eyes on the word of God and not on my symptoms.  I believe in the word of God; I pin my hopes on God’s promises. I speak to this mountain and it moves. My faith is much larger than a mustard seed and this mountain is moving. I believe and I receive the fullness of Gods healing in my physical body.

Jesus name is above all others and has power over the heavens and on the earth; and as a redeemed believer, I have the authority to use it.  Jesus told us “As the father sent me, I send you” , “The works I do, you shall do also”, and “ask in my name and it will be done”.   I speak to sickness and disease in my body and I command you to go in Jesus name. I picture the devil leaving me and taking all his works with him.   I hereby command you to leave and not return, in Jesus Holy Name!

As a member of the Body of Christ, The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is working in my body, teaching me, guiding me, making my body alive; giving me life and life in abundance.  I’ve been called by God to preach the Gospel, to cast out devils, and to lay hands on the sick.  I lay hands on the sick and they recover. The bible doesn’t say they might recover,  it says they will recover. Healing power is part of my inheritance; It is part of the new covenant, it works thru me, it works in me, and it works on me.

With the resurrection power that lives inside me as a member of the body of Chirst, I speak healing into my body; From the top of my head, to the soles of my feet. I picture all damage being washed away and God’s perfect design being restored anew.  I command healing to flow into Every muscle, Every bone, Every organ, Every tissue, Every fiber, and Every cell. In Jesus Name.  I command healing to flow and for this body to be restored so that I can best serve you and glorify you, in Jesus Holy Name!

Thank you, lord, for healing in my physical body. I’m going to run the race set before me, and I am going to finish my course with joy, not injury, not sickness, and not disease. I’m going to walk in health; good health, Divine health; all the rest of my days. I refuse to accept lying symptoms in my body. 

A believe in the healing word of God. He sent his word and it healed me.  The healing word is working in me. The healing crop is sown in me, and I will bear fruit; 30,60, and 100. I bear fruit, healing fruit in my body.

I claim your promises in Jesus Name. May my healing be a sign and wonder for the Kingdom of God. AMEN

Note: This confession is derived from a sermon from Greg Fritz, modified with messages  gleaned from Andrew Womack and Dan Mohler.