Additional Resources


Links to Useful Articles, Instructional Videos, or Websites

 God and His Kingdom

  • Who, What, Where, How
  • God, A Three Part Being: The Father, Jesus The Son, The Holy Spirit 
  • The Bibile, The Word Of God, The Sword Of The Spirit
    • Is The Bible Fact Or Fiction
      • What Archeological Evidence Is There For The Bible Stories? My Playlist
      • What Evidence Is There of Jesus Death / Resurrection?  My Playlist
      • Can I Trust The Bible? Has It Been Corrupted? My Playlist
    • What are the Key Themes / Messages?  My Playlist
    • Insights from Parables, Exemplars, Similitude, and Allegory –  My Webpage 


  • How Did We Get Here?
    • Big Bang 1: Something From Nothing / The Universe / Cosmology – My Playlist
    • Big Bang 2: Origin Of Life
      • Organic Chemistry: Primordial Soup Is Unstable – My Playlist
      • MicroBiology :Simple Cells Not So Simple – My Playlist
    • Big Bang 3: Complexity / Biodiversity – My Playlist
      • DNA Is Information – My Playlist
      • Explosion of Forms
      • Mutations Erode   
    • Big Bang 4: Consciousness – My Playlist



  • You Have Free Will: Life and Death, Heaven and Hell, Good and Evil, Blessings and Curses


Find Him / Invite Him

  • Seek With All Your Heart and You will Find


Find Your Path / Develop Your Gifts

Developing an Active Relationship With God

  • Acknowledge Him – What He Has Done for you…Creator, Lord, Savior
  • Learn About Him – His Nature/Personality, His Word, How He never gives up on people, and ends up using flawed people to do great things. 
  • Deny yourself
    • You inherited a sinful nature that makes you self-conscious and self-centered. You will not realize your full potential with that nature driving you.
    • Jesus came here and broke His physical body as a model for us. He broke bread at the last supper and saif this is body, remember Him when we do the same.
    • Crucify the urges from your physical body and your earthly life and let Jesus lead you into new life with Him. Recognize the problems they cause and say no to them.
  • Pick up your cross daily
    • Seek to fulfill your calling as a child of God in scripture, as Jesus pursued His calling to the cross as the son of man in scripture 
    • Invite Jesus to come and live in you via the Holy Spirit, to teach you, to convict you, to lead you, to form in you.
    • Become transformed by the renewal of your mind, understand Gods Will, align with Gods will.
    • He is the expresed image of God, and will restore the original image tarnished by Adam. It is no longer you living, but Chris living through you. 
    • Purposfully seek to live a sinless life, strive to prevent sin against you from becoming sin in you. 
    • See those who cause you difficulties as Gods children struggling in a fallen world. Forgive them as Jesus forgave those who were torturing Him, pray for them.
    • Regognize when you are off track – Use any worldy emotions or behaviours that drive you as a signal that you have more transformation to do. 
  • Follow Him
    • Talk to Him – In your private space, as you walk, as you drive.  He is always with you, He doesnt want to be ignored, He wants to walk with you and help you. 
    • Listen to Him – Tune to His quiet voice. Sense His calm when you are on the right track, Ask for wisdom and listen for his answer when the path is not clear. 
    • Make Him Truly Lord Of Your Life.  Allow Yourself to Be Led, Submit to Him, Depend on Him
  • Thank Him – be grateful



  • Who / How / When


Spiritual Development

  • What / Why / How
  • Reflect/Repent
  • Regenerate
  • Engage Brain, Engage Heart
  • Immerse Physical Senses
  • Pray in the Spirit
  • Fasting

My Personal Testimonies: Videos

Apologetics – How can you know God exists

  • “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. ( Romans 1:20-21)
  • Philosophy: Answer to three fundamental questions
    • How did we get here?
    • Why Am I Here Now, Does it matter?
    • What Happens When I Die?
  • Evidence in the Physical world
    • Evolutionary Astrophysics – Singularity, Expansion Constant
    • Evolutionary Biology – Instability of primordial soup, DNA is information, DNA self check
  • Scientific analysis of Faith Healing and Proximal Intercessory Prayer (Laying on of Hands) 
  • Near Death Experiences
    • Statistical Characteristic Analysis
    • Examples

Personal Development – How to be the best person you can be