Resources – Greg Fritz


God and His Kingdom – Excellent Preachers and Teachers

Insights On God and His Kingdom from Greg Fritz

Who is He

  • He is a highly respected teacher making hundreds of appearances a year.
  • He has a practical presentation style which is very effective at engaging audiences into his message

Main Websites

  GregFritz.Org   – Current Messages, Study Resources, Books, Links to all materials

YouTube Channel – Lectures

Primary published works

Living With No Regrets: Get Ready for Your Future, by Getting Over Your Past – eBook 

Relationships are like college courses….get score and move on

Good News: It’s So Good the Bad News Doesn’t Matter – eBook


Videos on favorite topics:

Improving Spiritual Life

 Living With No Regrets


Charis Healing School Lecture Nov 2017 –  Excellent Confession at End < Link>

Lecture at Charis Bible School Oct 2016