Resources – Dan Mohler


God and His Kingdom – Excellent Preachers and Teachers

Insights from Dan Mohler

Who is He

  • He is the most effective preacher and teacher I have seen: He is my hero and role model
  • He is a lead instructor at Harvest Chapel School of Kingdom Living and Lifestyle Christianity U
  • His mission is to connect the Body of Christ to its head: Jesus – thus the name Neck Ministries
  • His messages focus on
    • God’s perspective: Seeing and releasing the created value in people
    • God’s intention: Transformation now vs believing something so we can go to heaven later
    • The unconditional Love of God, the finished work of Jesus
    • Perfecting God’s Love through Living a life in Love – Releasing Heaven on Earth
  • He has an engaging, effective, and persuasive presentation style
    • His uses scripture as his primary language – but does not spend much time reading it verse by verse
    • He has a deep and intimate personal relationship with Jesus
    • He speaks informally from personal experience rather than using a formal structure
    • He uses positive confirmation in a powerful and effective way
  • He was the minister who Todd White went to in his distress…Todd is well intentioned, but Dan is much more crisp in his message

Introduction Video – Powerful !!!

Main Websites

Dan does not publish any of the web content – he reportedly does not even own a computer

New Creation Life YouTube Channel – Videos of Dan at recent speaking engagements

Dan Mohler Non-official YouTube channel  – Nicely organized messages

Non-Official Power and Identity – YouTube Channel  –  Archive of older sermons

Neck Ministries – Archive of older sermons

School of Kingdom Living – Courses, events

Lifestyle Christianity YouTube channel  – Videos of Dan at Todd White’s programs

Videos on favorite topics:

Christianity is about transformation, not getting into heaven

Jesus came as a man so you could follow him and become love.

Wonderful compilation of lectures

The cross is not just to get you to heaven, it is to unlock your potential in this life

Your Potential, Value and Purpose   – Power & Love NC (2016)

Transformation of Life – Session 1 Champion Christian Center (April 2016)

Transformation of Life – Session 2  – Unity in faith (April 2016)

Transformation of Life – Session 3 – This is your window – Leave your legacy (April 2016)
Find your purpose and identity in HIM and avoid being a victim of the world

A Crash Course in Identity – Power & Love (Sept 2019)

Find the purpose of your life –  It is not about you…(2019)

Find your identity in God, Deny Your Self, Shine as a Beacon

Find Your Identity – New Life Church May 2015 

Deny Yourself – New Life Church May 2015  

Created to be Light – New Life Church May 2015 

Intimacy with Jesus is where transformation takes place

How to have intimacy with the Lord – God’s Place, 5-18-19 Session 2

Intimicy is where you are changed – LCU – Session 1 before break (May 2019)

Intimicy is where you are changed – LCU – Session  2 after break (May 2019)

Intimicay is where you are changed – LCU – Session 3 – Nothing compares to knowing Him (May 2019)

God Loves You – Live your life through Him

Deny yourself and Live your life to Him (8 Min)

Deny Yourself and Pick Up Your Cross (9 Min)

Love of the Father – Power and Love (Dec 2019)

What pastors should be teaching – God loves you (May 2019)

Wake up every day for Him

Free from Guilt, Shame, and Condemnation

There is freedom in Jesus – Healing message

Ministering Freedom because you are Free – Excellent vision of the devil, Healing

Healing and Deliverance

Healing and Deliverance  – Power and Love NC (May 2018)

Healing and Deliverance – Healing Demonstration – Power and Identity (2014)

Why do only some get healed? – Power and Love (2011)

Why is it harder to receive healing for myself? It is what you believe, not your prayer (2014)

Fasting and Prayer

Power of Fasting (2017) – It is all about the Why

How to Pray – Get to Know Him !!! Seeking to develop an intimate relationship

Familiar Spirits

Don’t trust feelings– Don’t sell out what He paid for

Sovereignty of God

Does God control everything