Resources – Rick Renner



God and His Kingdom – Excellent Preachers and Teachers

Insights On God and His Kingdom from Rick Renner

Who is He

  • He is a highly respected Publisher, Bible teacher, and leader in the international Christian community.
  • He is the author of more than 20 books, including the bestsellers Dressed To Kill and Sparkling Gems From the Greek.
  • He has founded christian churches in the former USSR and is the Senior Paster of the church in Moscow.
  • He founded the first christian TV broadcasting channels in the USSR and in the middle east..
  • His uses a deep understanding of Greek, and through research to reveal insights in scripture
  • He has a very dynamic presentation style which is very effective at engaging into his message

 Intro interview? 


Main Websites

 Renner.Org   – Current Messages, Study Resources, Books, Links to all materials

YouTube Channel – Lectures

Primary published works

Sparkling Gems – Insights from the Greek- 1st Set:   eBook  , Second set:  eBook 

Dressed to Kill – A Biblical approach to Spiritual Warfare and Armor :  eBook

Paid in Full – An In-depth Look at the Defining Moments of Christ’s Passion : eBook

Videos on favorite topics:

Jesus Death and Resurrection – The Easter message

Horror of a Roman Scourging: He became Sin for us, By His stripes we are healed

Crucifixion: What, How, and Why 

It is Finished: Jesus mission is done, The Debt is paid, The Atonement is done, The end of an era 

Buried and Sealed: Significance 

Behold,  He is Risen:  Significance of Witnesses to his resurrection 

The Empty Tomb:   Significance of Burial clothes – Where is your heart?

Improving Spiritual Life

Seven Things to Do Every Day to Become Spiritually Strong

Being lead by the Holy Spirit

 Guidance from the Holy Spirit – Listen you the pull on your heart

Cast your burden on the Lord – Let go of your worry

Coming through Your Storm– Shake off any snake bites, Your ship is waiting 

Spiritual Warfare

How the Devil works: Wiles, Strongholds, Oppression, Deception


The Creative Miracles of Jesus

Jesus The Ramifications of Total Healing on Your Life :  Are your really ready