Resources – Near Death Experiences (NDE’s)


God and His Kingdom

Insights From Near Death Experiences

Main Websites

IANDS- International Association For Near Death Studies – Catalogs of NDE’s, Sharing Events

 NDERF – Near Death Experience Research Foundation – Database of Near Death Experiences

Key Facts about NDE’s  

Analysis of NDE’s – Constancy of Features

The Science of Near-Death Experience – The Atlantic  

Summary report of largest study – God and the Afterlife – Dr Jeffrey Long

John Cleese panel discussion – 2018 Tom Tom Summit

Vivid detailed accounts that provide insights:

Dr Eben Alexander, – Materialist Neurosergeon,  Detailed NDE during Brain Dead Coma, Miraculous recovery from meningitis

Proof of Heaven – Book

Full Lecture

Howard Storm – Atheist Professor – Amazing, detailed, and Insightful   

Summary and many Q&A’s

Meaningful stories – before , during, after

Focus – Full interview

Focus – Follow up interview

Book – My Decent into Death, A Second Chance at life

Ian McCormack – Atheist Surfer – Powerful and Insightful 

Early Testimony

  A Glimpse of Eternity Movie and interview

 700 Club Interview

Book – A Glimpse of Etenrity

Greg S – Hang-gliding Accident – Amazingly Detailed NDE

               Narration of story with animations

Colton Burpo – 4 Yr Old Boy goes to Heaven During Operation – Meets Unborn sister and Gandfather he never knew 

Heaven Is For Real – Movie trailer

Book – Heaven is For Real


Dr Mary C. Neal, – Doctor, NDE while submerged in a river after a kayaking accident

To Heaven and Back – Book

Anita Alexander – Cured of Cancer during NDE

Dying to be me – Book

TedX Talk