What is God expecting from you ? 


What does God expect from you?

  • Transform from being Self-Centered to becoming His Love in action
  • Live a life worthy of the price He paid 
  • People will see God/Jesus in you and be attracted to the kingdom

Step 1 – Acknowledge Him

  • He is love. 
  • He created this place so that His love could manifest.
  • He created you in the womb.
  • He provided you gifts / talents so you can be useful.
  • He loves you so much He sent His son in the flesh to suffer and die for you.
  • Jesus lived so you could see and know the invisible God through His visible human life. He provided a model life for each of us to follow and emulate. He humbled himself to serve others. He had compassion for all of Gids children especially those who suffer. He studied the word of God and had great command of the scriptures. He had a close personal relationship with the Father in prayer.  He resisted the devil and temptation at every turn. He taught and engaged others to see and understand the kingdom. He received the Holy spirit and did signs and wonders to reveal the kingdom to unbelievers.  He suffered persecution for doing what was right. He stayed true to the Fathers mission to the point of crucifixion and death. He lived an innocent sinless life to the point of even forgiving those who crucified Him.
  • Jesus died so you could live a life free of sin and condemnation, in perfect union with God, receiving His protection and blessings of life in abundance on earth (John 10:10) and everlasting life in heaven  (John 3:16).
  • Jesus wrote the book on faith. He gave up life as a God in heaven to go on this mission for the Father. He was acting on the promise that if He were successful He would defeat Satan and then be restored as a God but now with full authority over heaven and earth. That would allow Him to serve the father as savior / redeemer for all of mankind. Just imagine His faith, He was willing to submit to extreme torture and then death on the promise of resurrections and something better for Himself and all of mankind on the other side.
  • Do you acknowledge God? His Love?  His son Jesus?  and His sacrifice?, His Faith? 

Step 2 – Invite Him in

  • We are born on this earth with a sinful self-centered nature. We all have done things we shouldn’t have; those things are against Gods commandments to love Him and love Others as urselves, those things are sins. Sin is a powerful force with both temptation and guilt, and it has both short term and long term consequences. The penalty for sin is death. By rights we should all die for our sins. Jesus died for us so we don’t have to.  
  • We have fee will and are making choices every day: Follow God or suffer the consequences: Receive blessings or curses, Achieve life or death (Deuteronomy 30:15-20)
  • God loves you unconditionally, never gives up on you no matter hohw far you stray from him,  and waits patiently for you to decide to invite Him in so He can help you.
  • He has been trying to get your attention. Have you noticed His hand in your life?
  • He is waiting patiently to help you. Have you invited Him into your life?
  • Invite HIM into your heart,  ask Him to help you learn about Him, Commit to follow Him.       >>> Click here for an example prayer<<< 

Step 3 – Love Him with all your heart

  • Recognize that HE is the source of everything good, you can do nothing without him (John 15:15).
  • Get to know Him: His purpose, intentions, ways, and His will (Bible, Sermons, Fellowship)
    • “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.”(Proverbs 8:17)
    •  “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16)
    • For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
  • Talk to him daily: Acknowledge Him, Thank Him, Discuss your plans, Ask for guidance/help
  • Listen for His input (quiet positive messages, special people in your life, gifts/talents, persistent passions, opportunities to be useful, noticeable “coincidences”)
  • Allow him to guide you / Follow his lead

Step 4 – Love Others as yourself

  • Everyone is a child of God – He loves everyone and wants the best for them
    • “…let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” (1 John 4:7)
  • Help others in any way you can
    • Be positive and encouraging in every interaction
    • Be a shining light for God and His kingdom as you live your life
    • Share resources as you can (Things, Money, Time)
  • Have compassion for others
    • When you love others it is Him in you. His love is “Perfected” through us (1 John 4:17).
    • Pray for others who are struggling – to find Him and his love
    • Love your enemies – you don’t know all they are facing, pray for them

Step 5 – Become transformed and get your self and your self-interest out of the way

  • It is not about the “ME” – it is about His kingdom on earth and how can I help others
    • Pursue first the kingdom of God
    • Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.(Romans 12:2)
  • Do not define yourself in earthly terms: physical body, social status, possessions, wealth
  • Define yourself as a spiritual child of god who’s mission is to be God’s love in aciton: a positive and constructive influence in the physical world
  • This life is not an exercise of doing what you need to do to get to heaven; It is about learning, transforming, and becoming Love in action as a dry run for eternity. Ie: Bringing heaven to earth.
  • The more you submit your life to follow Him, the more life He will flow into you.
  • Review your priorities – are they focused on being useful to others? or serving yourself:
  • Did you know that pride is usually the biggest barrier between you and God?
  • Review this brief write-up about pride and see if have healthy or unhealthy pride

Find and Follow your purpose

  • He created you with talents and a useful purpose. Do you see it? Are you pursuing it?


Andrew Wommack: Self-Centerdness the source of all Grief

Dan Mohler – Go from self-centred to living by faith