About God – Building a Relationship


Why: The key to success in this life is to build an active relationship with God.

  • He will give you perspective… this is a long term game (eternity), what you do and how you do it in this life matters 
  • He will help you overcome each challenges you face
  • He will help you avoid dad decisions and the consequences that result
  • He will forgive your past and allow you to focus on doing better each day; He will even help you do it
  • He will help you see the path he set out for you, and he will help you walk it
  • He will help you figure out who you really are, and help you realize your full potential 
  • He will protect you from evil once you get close to Him.

Trust me, you will be much better off working with God and reaping his blessings than trying to go it alone and exposing yourself to continuous attacks of the Devil and suffering his consequences.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.    (Proverbs 3:5-6)

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.  Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.

( 2 Cronicles 7:13-15)

How: The Big Picture

The steps to building an active relationship with God are outlined in the diagram below:

The Steps And A Bit More Detail

Learn about Him and His Kingdom

  • Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened
  • Read it, Hear about it, Think about it, Talk about it
  • Dwell in his word, it is the truth and the light
  • Seek it and you will learn of His unconditional Love for You
  • Seek it and you gain a better perspective on life and your role here
  • Seek it daily and you will receive blessings now and forever

Humble Yourself / Put Him First

  • Praise him often/always (Creator, Provider, Shepherd, Redeemer, Savior, etc)
  • Talk to him often / Pray to him often
  • Trust him, Put your life in his hands
  • Acknowledge his role Publicly

Remove Barriers Between You and Him

  • Commit to Him and follow His commandments/ways
  • Review / Reflect on thoughts, feelings, actions
  • Ask Him to help you see shortcomings/gaps
  • Acknowledge them and turn from them as sins
  • Commit and Actively work to improve
  • Ask Him for help to improve
  • Thank Him for progress

Listen for His input

  • Look for His direction for your life (Gifts and Passions)
  • Look for His hand in your life (People, Places, Opportunities, Timing)
  • When faced with challenges – State your intention, purpose and need
  • Ask for his help to see the path
  • Quiet yourself and Listen for his input: Thoughts, Images, Feelings

Follow His Lead

  • Get your Ego out of the way
  • Go where he leads you
  • Take action based on his input
  • Develop your gifts
  • Follow your passions
  • Apply Gifts/Passions in ways that serve others
  • Take advantage of opportunities he presents

Thank Him

  • Thank him Privately and Publicly for all He does for you
    • Privately so you remain centered on who is the source of all
    • Publicly so all can see who is the source of all

>>>> Learn More about Giving Him Credit  <<<<

Continuously Improve

  • Review / Reflect
  • Recognize Gaps
  • Commit to Improve
  • Ask Him for help
  • Recognize progress
  • Thank Him

>>>> Learn More About Continuously Improving Your Relationship <<<<