Prayer – Confession of Transformation


Heavenly father, I thank you for loving me.
I thank you for opening my eyes and showing me that you care about me every minute of every day.
I thank you for forming me in the womb and sending me here with a purpose
I thank you for giving me capabilities and passions to pursue it.
I thank you for helping me see your hand in my life, giving me opportunities and helping me.
I thank you for never giving up on me, no matter how far I strayed from you.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for loving me so much you were willing to suffer and die for me.
I thank you for living a sinless life as a model of truth and love in action.
I thank you for your suffering and sacrifice.
I thank you for showing me the power of the Holy spirit as you cast out evil and healed multitudes.
I thank you for bearing the consequences of my sins, and becoming sin cursed on a pole.
I thank you for dying for me, an innocent perfect lamb, shedding your blood as sacrifice for my sins.
I thank you for restoring what we lost through Adam. We are no longer isolated by sin, We are reunited with the Father.
I thank you for allowing me to be righteous in His eyes; Not by anything I did, but by your loving sacrifice.
I thank you for allowing me to forget everything from the past and focus entirely on moving forward.
I thank you for being my Lord and Savior, resurrected in the flesh, sitting at the right hand of the father,
with power over all heaven and earth, the name above all names.

I thank you for coming into my body, making your presence known, and helping me transform.
I have been born again. My spirt is brand new. I have the Holy spirit living inside me.
I thank you for making me a child of God; You are my eternal Father, I WILL make you proud
I thank you for opening my eyes to your Word, and giving me ears to hear and understand.
I thank you for helping me learn more about you and hold your words in my heart.
I thank you for pointing out opportunities to improve my thoughts and my actions.
I thank you for helping me begin to think like you and see things from your perspective.
I thank you for helping me see this life is not about getting to heaven, it is about bringing heaven here.
I thank you for helping me see that this life is not all about ME. It is about You flowing through ME.
I thank you for helping me move beyond adding Jesus to my life, to actually become more like Jesus.
I thank you for helping me see that personal self-interest is not helpful. The only important thing is being useful to others.  To be your love in action.
I thank you for making me a member of the body of Christ; I am a part of the holy kingdom. You are the head and I am your arms and legs on this earth.
I submit myself to you. I offer my life as a living sacrifice. You paid the price for this life, I offer it to you in return.
I pass the yoke of this life to you. You have a plan for me and I trust you. You have a bigger perspective than I can ever have so I will follow your lead. Help me see your steps ahead and I will take them.
I WILL be a shining example of your love in action as I interact with others.
I WILL find ways for your love to flow through me to others through my thoughts and actions.
I WILL focus on being a bright light of your Love and your kingdom.
My mind is convinced, my heart is convicted, my flesh is complying.
I thank you for giving me Life, and life in abundance.
I thank you for filling me with the Holy spirit as a helper.
I thank you for showing me opportunities to be your Love in action
I thank you for all your help. AMEN.