About Him – The Word


God and His Kingdom

Insights From Parables and Allegory in the Bible


The Word is written in a way that has many layers of meaning (Matthew 13:13)

  • Parables are simple stories that carry a deeper meaning within them
  • Allegory are stories about People who model and represent important themes or ideas
  • Exemplars are stories about People in situations which set an example for others 
    • There was a rich man…
  • Similitudes use every day things to explain how complicated things work.
    •   “Life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you are going to get”   

The paradox of parables is that by giving messages in an indirect manor they result in a more effective engagement and response from the audience.

Each bible parable reveals one or more truths or guiding principles.  Read the story, discern the inner meaning, and reflect on your life to see how well you are applying the message.  

Key Parables, Allegory; Similitudes and Exemplars

  • The Rich Man and Lazarus – Learn and apply the Bible messages while there is time (Luke 16:19-31) NKJV
  • The True Vine:  God is the source of everything, follow him to bear fruit – (John 15: 1-8) NKJV
  • The Lost Sheep:  God cares about his lost sheep, He cares about each one – (Matthew 18:10-14) NKJV
  • The Prodigal Son – God will embrace you if you confess sins and return to him – (Luke 15:11-32) NKJV
  • The Two Sons – Believe and actually start to follow God , don’t wait – (Matthew 21:28-32) NKJV
  • The Pharisee and The Tax Collector – Be humble and Confess your sins – (Luke 18:9-14) NKJV
  • The Lost Coin – Heaven celebrates each person that confesses sins and repents – Luke 15:8-10 NKJV
  • The Persistent Widow  – Be persistent in Faith and in Prayer – (Luke 18:1-8) NKJV
  • Ten Talents or Gold Coins – You have to invest what God gives you –  (Matthew 25:14-30) NKJV
  • The Good Samaritan – Take mercy and help others –  (Luke 10:29-37) NKJV
  • The Invited Guests – Focus your resources on those that need help – (Luke 14:7-14) NKJV
  • The Unforgiving Servant – Forgive others the way God forgives you –  (Matthew 18:23-35) NKJV
  • The Heart of Man – Watch what you say… words come from your heart – (Matthew 15:10-20) NKJV
  • The Lamp –You need to do be a visible model serving His kingdom –  (Matthew 6:14) NKJV

The Garden as a Simile 

  • All good things take time – Sow, Nurture, Mature, Blossom, Fruit, Harvest
  • The Mustard Seed – All big things start small – (Matthew 13:31-32) NKJV
  • You reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7) NKJV
  • The Generous giver – Sow Generously to Reap Generously (2 Corinthians 9:6) NKJV 
  • The Sower – Nurture things if you want them to grow  – Faith, Gifts, etc –(Matthew 13:3-23) NKJV
  • The Growing Seed – God works inside you once you start to follow him – (Mark 4:26-29) NKJV
  • The Rich Fool – If you keep your harvest and not share it with God you will lose it -(Luke 12:13-21) NKJV
  • Sow into Flesh to yield destruction. Sow into Spirit for life ( Galatians 6:8) NKJV

Published Materials

xxxxx: eBook : Podcast


Podcasts on favorite topics:

Life here is just the beginning


Useful Links:

The Parables By Madeleine I. Boucher



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