Remove Barriers Between You and Him


Fundamental principles and supporting scriptures 

  • See and read the scriptures to build awareness and knowledge in your mind. 
  • Listen to lectures, study them and discuss the principles with others to build understanding in you mind.
  • Reflect, meditate, and pray to discern truth in your mind, and build belief in your heart.
  • Chose to act in faith both by confessing truths with your mouth, and taking action with your body in alignment with your beliefs. 

Helpful Video: How to Write the Word on Your Heart

“My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh.”  (Proverbs 4:20-22)

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  (Hebrews 4:12)

Commit to follow His commandments/ways

  • We were originally created in God’s image – Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden and we have sinned ever since.
  • Jesus took on the image of Sin on the cross to so mankind could be redeemed  in God’s image.
  • If we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we can shed our sinful nature and be Born Again

In practical terms: 

  • We are born with human nature – Our natural tendency is to focus on earthly / physical priorities – survival, success, reputation, pleasure.
  • God needs us to focus beyond ourselfs. It requires education and discipline, and is counter to earthly priorities
  • He provides Two big rules – Love God with all your heart and Love your neighbor as yourself
  • Those rules must guide how you think, what you choose to do, and how you choose to treat others
  • You have a choice between Blessings or Curses. Follow God to receive blessings. (Deuteronomy 30:20)
  • Not following the commandments is a sin – in Greek “amartia” (ha-mar-tia). “to miss the mark.”
  • Not loving Him with all your heart is a sin
    • Pride is putting yourself above anyone else… another person, or God
    • The most common Pride Sin is ignoring HIM :  Thinking YOU are doing anything yourself – without HIM – even breathing!
    • Idolatry is focusing on anything to be more important than God (Wealth, Knowledge, Higher Education, Fancy Car, Politics)
  • Sin has consequences – Separation from God is the biggest
    • “… your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear” (Isaiah 59:2)
  • When you separate from God you open the door to attack – He can no longer protect you
  • The devil will attack: Either internally through your thoughts, urges, and decisions, or externally by setting up bad things to happen to you, or both.
  • Once you start, you become a slave to sin – Fighting temptation, Guilt for failure, Fearing consequences. (John 8:34)
  • Negative consequences accumulate until you become desperate and ask God for help.
  • Jesus died so that you have no barriers to God
  • Accept Him as Lord and Savior, invite him into your life, learn about Him and his Ways, pursue transformation, and you will be changed.  

Review / Reflect on yourself

  • Thoughts in your Mind
  • Feelings in your Heart
  • Actions from your Will

 Ask him to help you see shortcomings/gaps








  • The holy spirit inside us is a mirror.
  • If you quiet yourself and reflect, it will tell you where you are falling short.
  • Ask to be filled with his holy spirit to help convict your heart and help you see

Acknowledge Them and Turn From Them as Sins

  • …:


Commit and Actively work to improve


Ask Him for help to improve



Recognize Progress and Thank Him

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