Resources – Barry Bennet


God and His Kingdom – Excellent Preachers and Treachers

Insights On God and His Kingdom from Barry Bennet

Who is He

  • He is a highly respected teacher, Part of the Andrew Wommack teaching team.
  • His series on Healing has helped me understand the key principles and critical aspects
  • He came near to death at 67 and now has an even deeper revelation of the grace og God.

Main Websites   – Current Messages, Study Resources, Books, Archive of Lectures, Links to other materials

YouTube Channel – Lectures

Facebook – Subscribe to this page and get a daily message

Primary published works

Shaping Your Future: Releasing Your Destiny Through the Power of the Seed – 2021 – eBook

He Healed Them All: Accessing God’s Grace for Divine Health and Healing – 2020 – eBook

Did God Do This to Me?: And Other Important Questions – 2018 – eBook

Hearing God : How to Recognize His Voice – 2016 – eBook

Videos on favorite topics:

Healing Lecture Series
    1. God wants us to be healthy and prosperous
    2. Sickness is an intruder, God will heal us
    3. Jesus already paid for our healing, we need to claim it
    4. Why are we still sick – obstacles to healing
    5. Your attitude determines your outcome
    6. The power of Spiritual words – Revelation knowledge
    7. You need to have Faith
    8. Different ways to be healed
Healing Sermons

How to Get Healled  – Aug 2022