Resources – The Hand Of God
God and His Kingdom
Insights from individuals who have experienced the Hand of God in their life
Use these resources to help you see the Hand of God in your life.
Given “Words of Wisdom” to focus your faith and highlight the desired path forward
Given “Signs” to reinforce or restore your Faith
Minister with Covid-19 – Faith restored, Specific prayer answered in specific way, Healed
Other Testimonies
Given “Visions” or “Visitations” to gain wisdom or prophetic Insight – To transform lives
Emmanuel Swedenborg – 1700’s Scientist – Given bold spiritual experiences for 25 years – Published thousands of pages to document findings. Revealed remarkable insights into the process and mechanics of how Heaven and Earth work, and how the Bible holds layers of spiritual meaning beyond commonly understood.
Kevin Zadai– Taken to Heaven during Near Death Experience, Given instructions to guide career, Transformed thousands of lives during career as flight attendant, Given additional visions and visitations, Now active evangelist/prophet/publisher/educator touching millions
Seeing “Wonders” – Bold healing miracles, or Multiplying food – To transform lives
Heidi Baker – Remarkable leader in Africa, sees miracles daily, feeding thousands, planting hundreds of churches
Dr Chauncy Crandall– West Palm Beach Cardiologist who has seen many miracles first hand
Being Woken – Given instructions to do specific works – Enabling you to transform lives
Carol Bucci – woken weekly for months, given very specific and unconventional instructions, implemented as regimen to restore physical function through one on one coaching, transformed dozens of lives