About HIM: Jesus Christ – The Living God

What you need to know to establish an Active Personal Relationship with the Living God


An introduction

Who is God?

What is “The Word”?  

Who is Jesus Christ ?

What/Who is the Holy Spirit ?

Why should I care?       

        >>>>Click here for answers<<<<

How does this spiritual stuff work: 

The Game of Life: Truth or Consequences, Good or Evil, Blessings or Curses

What happens when you die?

Is the Devil real?

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

More to come..

What is God trying to do? Why would He send His son to come Here and Die?

God created man in His image and gave Him dominion over the earth. God IS love and He made man to live in a way completely connected to the source of love, and to flow that love to everything around Him.

That was all corrupted whe Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God in the garden. They became seporated from God and the source of love, and insead of flowing love they began to need love. They became self conscious and discovered they were naked and began to hide from God, they began to blame others for thier actions, and even blame God. This corrupted nature has been passed on to each of us and we all suffer in the corruption of this fallen world.

God has been working ever since to help His creation get back on track. He flooded the earth and used Noah to start civilization again only to have people reject Him. He chose Abraham to father a nation of chosen people only to have them rebel and fall into slavery. He sent Moses to deliver His chosen people from captivity only to have them rebel in the desert. He made a deal with them to worship Him and follow His commandments, the Law, to avoid destruction. They compied for a while buy eventually rebelled and fell back into captivity. Despite thier repeated rebellions, He promised to send a saviour, a messiah who would suffer and die to save creation. 

2000 years ago, He sent His son Jesus, to come in the flesh, born of a virgin in Bethlehem, to do what no mortal man had been able to do.. to live a perfect sinless life and to sacrifice that innocent life for the sins of mankind. After beign baptized and recieving the holy spirit at 30, He went about preaching, teaching, and healing all who would listen.  After 3 years He was tortured, crucified and burried at the hands of those He was trying to help. And rather than complain about His plight or resist them, He took up His corss winllingly and forgave them. He was raised from the dead in the flesh on the thrid day and appeared to over 500 witnesses. Because Jesus executed this plan in faith, He has been installed with all power and authority as our Lord and is our only path to the Father.

He releases His Holy Spirit to all who ask. He will come in and take up residence inside you if you are willing to make room. He will teach you and guide you onto the right path if you listen to Him. He will help you see things from God’s perspective and change how you think. He will transform your very nature if you yield your old ways,  and work with Him to do God’s will, if you put off the old you, and put on Jesus. He will live through you if you get  the old you out of the way. 

Would you like to make an initial connection with Him?

Would you like to get to know Him? Would you like to see and recognize His hand in your life?

  • Just get alone and say Hello to Him.
  • Tell him you are interested in getting to know Him.
  • Ask Him to reveal Himself to you
  • Quiet yourself and be receptive to the various avenues He uses
    1. Thoughts in your Mind, realization that there is something more.
    2. Yearning for a purpose or calling deep in your Heart.
    3. Remarkable timing of things happening – His hand in your life.
  • Follow His signals and get to know Him better 

   >>>>Click here for more information and a prayer to help you make an initial connection<<<<

Are you ready for Jesus to be your Lord and Savior?

Each of us are born as sinners and the consequence of sin is death / eternity in Hell. Jesus died for your sins and will forgive them if you accept Him and commit to turn from your sinful ways. Once you accept Jesus and His forgiveness, you can begin transformation into the person He sent you Here to be. Are you ready to accept Him as your Lord and Savior? 

Here are the key steps:

  • Acknowledge God – He created this place, He formed you in your mothers womb, He is everywhere and knows everything
  • Acknowledge God gave us commandments to guide our lives and keep us aligned with His agenda for us. 
  • Acknowledge we are born sinners with a selfish human nature: My agenda is more important than Gods;  Me / Mine / Here / Now 
  • Acknowledge your sins
  • Acknowledge you should expect a sentence of death on judgement day when evaluated per the commandments 
  • Believe that God loves you – Hint: He sent His son to come here and die for you… That is a pretty good clue  
  • Believe Jesus came here from heaven in the form of a baby in the flesh, He suffered and died as an innocent sacrifice for your sins. He was resurrected in the flesh and is now reigning with full authority in heaven.  
  • Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior
  • Accept His free gift of forgiveness
  • Repent (Regret) your sins in light of the price Jesus paid for them, and turn away from them. 
  • Commit to live a new life with His help

      >>>> Click hear for more information and an initial prayer <<<< 

How do you develop an Active Relationship with Him

Focus on Him

  • Worship / Praise
  • Learn about him
  • Devote time         

Engage Him                                                

Transform yourself

  • Seek the truth, Shun evil
  • Reflect and Repent
  • Follow his lead

Do His work

  • Be a positive influence – smile, be nice, be helpful
  • Look for opportunities to develop and use your gifts for goodness
  • Commit resources (Energy, Time, Money) where you feel passion

            >>>> Click here for the more information <<<<